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Archive for July, 2019

Afteec92168b913b2f5e68a66266c44d30a8-huge-hor graduating from university, I did not have a set career path in mind except that I knew the lab was not for me (too clumsy!) but I wanted to contribute to something that helps people and makes a positive impact. I had dabbled a little in editing while at university and started my own blog, which inspired me to apply for jobs in publishing.

My first job was at a publisher of dentistry magazines which I really enjoyed. To continue my career in publishing at the Royal Society of Chemistry where, as a not-for-profit organisation, the aim is to increase the wellness of employees and to disseminate knowledge, is fantastic! I love knowing that my hard work is allowing my colleagues in other teams to do great things. This includes supporting chemistry teachers across the UK, increasing diversity and inclusion throughout the chemical sciences and helping chemists directly through schemes like the Chemist’s Community Fund.

My degree is in Biochemistry and Biological Chemistry, and I am now working on the Environmental Science journals. I have been a Publishing Editor for four months and I have really enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about a different field.

The move to Cambridge was a bit daunting, but the city itself is lovely and everyone here has been really friendly. There are multiple support networks available through the training scheme and peer-to-peer support system, and regular after work social events!

Sarah Holmes is a Publishing Editor working in the Royal Society of Chemistry's Publishing Department. To see if there are any current vacancies go to 'RSC: Latest Vacancies' Blog or subscribe to 'RSC: Latest Vacancies' by Email
Posted by Harriet Brewerton on Jul 18, 2019 11:45 AM BST