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Archive for February, 2021

What a fascinating place the Galapagos Islands are. They make up an archipelago of large and small islands in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The amazing nature and biology of the islands get it the nickname ‘natural laboratory of evolution’ – a place where extraordinary plants and animals have evolved in different ways to adapt to life on the volcanic islands.

Galapagos – such biological diversity

There isn’t quite another place on earth that has been so important to the study of nature and natural history. Sir David Attenborough has brought out his Galapagos 3D, where he travels throughout the archipelago, explaining its origins and the unique plants and animals in evolutionary terms. 

Voyagers Travel can take you to this wonderland - this cluster of volcanic islands where new ones are still being formed to this day. In fact, these islands are one of the world’s most actively volcanic areas. They’re home to the most extraordinary natural life, and Voyagers Travel offers outstanding tourism services to their valued customers to ensure they don’t miss a thing.

They have total knowledge of the Galapagos and offer tailor-made tours to explore this island with its diverse mix of animal and plant species and complex ecosystem.

Weather influenced by ocean currents

It doesn’t matter when you visit the Galapagos, there are only so many visitors allowed on the island at a given time. You will need to book early to secure a spot. 

When you book through tourism services, you get the benefit of having naturalists as your guides to make the visit even more meaningful. Not only that, you can only visit the National Park if you are accompanied by an officially qualified guide. 

The island’s position on the equator ensures a fairly steady temperature but the warmer, wetter months are from January to June, but still, there is always plenty of sunshine. The weather of the Galápagos Islands is influenced by ocean currents and it’s the cold Humboldt and Cromwell currents that cool the Galápagos Islands, keeping them from turning into a tropical island. 

Galapagos – a place worthy of being protected

The Galapagos Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage site. A site like this has outstanding natural or cultural value and worthy of being protected. The island’s world heritage status contributes to raising awareness of the islands’ importance for conservation. 

The Government of Ecuador makes efforts to protect the islands through the enactment of the Special Law for Galapagos, which includes stricter controls in certain aspects. All hotels and resorts follow environmental policies.

Santa Cruz is the main island in the archipelago and it is home to the Charles Darwin Research Station. The research station has a breeding program for endangered giant tortoises. These giant tortoises are an iconic site and it would be unthinkable to visit the islands and not to see these creatures. The El Chato Reserve is their home and you can see them there in their natural habitat. 

A place of sanctuary

The Galapagos Islands have a unique ecosystem and there are a large number of endemic species that are larger than other similar species elsewhere. The word ‘galapago’ means tortoise in Spanish and there are plenty of these on the islands.

The Galapagos Islands focus on evolutionary research and the islands are considered one of Ecuador’s national parks and marine reserves – a place of sanctuary. 

The Islands are home to the only remaining Giant Pinta tortoise on earth. The islands are also home to the huge, rare scolopendra centipede that makes a meal of lizards and rats. It is also home to the amazing marine iguanas. The Galapagos Islands are surely one of the most unique, fascinating places on earth.

Posted by Emily Dawson on Feb 15, 2021 7:23 AM GMT