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Publishing Editor - General Chemistry Team

Today I completed my training in peer review.  I think that at the time I wrote my last blog, I had just started peer review training.  The time in between seems to have gone very fast.  

For the past few weeks I’ve been aiming to choose two or three newly submitted manuscripts each day to send out to appropriate referees.  I’ve also been making decisions to accept or reject papers based on reports that have been returned from reviewers.  Apart from this I’ve been proof reading a few papers each day, attending meetings and dealing with other miscellaneous correspondence.  Something I occasionally do is commission covers for ChemComm, which involves asking authors to design images based on their research and, if necessary, corresponding with them to raise the picture to a suitable standard for reproducing on the front or back cover.

As well as lots of new tasks at work, I’m taking up new sports outside of work.  Some fellow graduates have recently set up a RSC squash league.  With a division dedicated to beginners and courts just down the road, subsidised by the RSC, it left me no excuse not to join in!

Hopefully by the time I write my next blog I will be getting on with my editing training.  Editing is one remaining task I still have yet to learn.

 Rowan Frame is a Graduate working in the Royal Society of Chemistry's Science, Publishing Department. To see if there are any current vacancies go to 'RSC: Latest Vacancies' Blog or subscribe to 'RSC: Latest Vacancies' by Email
Posted by Rowan Frame on Mar 12, 2012 9:14 AM Europe/London

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