Here to provide you with the tools to build a successful career

Crossing the finish line

You may be looking for a job right now and we all know it’s a tough market. With potentially over a hundred candidates for each post what if they don’t pick you?

You may be doing all of the right things: networking, looking online, in newspapers and with agencies, putting your tailored CV up where you can, preparing for interviews and still they haven’t chosen you. What are you doing wrong?
The answer is you may not be doing anything wrong.
However you do need to appraise your situation critically; are you really giving it 100%? If you are then you just need to keep going, it is taking an average of 6 to 9 months to find a new position and it just takes time.
If you think you could be doing more then I would encourage you to perhaps do a little more preparation or tweak your CV or anything else you feel that might help you. Speak to me at the careers service or perhaps to your university adviser, your mentor or a trusted friend. Ask what they think of your application, could you sell yourself a little better?
Take feedback constructively, make any changes but don’t focus on the negatives, improve on them and move on. Focus on the positive things that you are doing and above else, try and keep motivated. Make a plan, with deadlines and goals, breaking the bigger job search down in to smaller pieces. It will make it easier and you will feel like you are getting somewhere.
Remember that finding a new job is a marathon, not a sprint. So get yourself ready, get some support. It’s going to take preparation, there are going to be painful moments where you want to give up, it’s going to take time but it’ll be worth it when you cross the finish line.
Posted by Charlotte Ashley-Roberts on Oct 4, 2010 11:57 AM Europe/London

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