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Archive for July, 2013
You've landed that interview - congratulations! The RSC Careers Team wishes you luck and we hope you get that dream job. However, if you don't, always ask for feedback. Employers aren't obliged to give it but if they do it can be very useful in refining your technique for next time. Read this excellent article by John Lees for more hints and tips on getting and using feedback. We never see ourselves the way that other people see us so it's often enlightening to get some insights from the other side of the interview table.
Posted by Julie Franklin on Jul 22, 2013 9:36 AM BST
The killer question that can be so hard to answer at the end of an interview - what should you say? Even if the interview has gone well up to that point, a mumbled, half-embarassed 'No, I don't think so' can leave you feeling very deflated and as if you finished on a low note. I found this article that shows you how to turn that vexed question to your advantage. It's well worth reading and will give you some ideas of questions to ask that will demonstrate a mature attitude and a deeper interest in the job and the organisation.
This is how to leave a positive impression with your interviewers by turning your response from a damp squib to the icing on the cake!
Posted by Julie Franklin on Jul 17, 2013 1:28 PM BST
Congratulations to all of you who will be enjoying your graduation ceremonies over the coming weeks. All that hard work has paid off and you've earned your day in the sunshine. What next? Lots of you will know where you're headed, either into the world of work or on to further study. For those of you who haven't made your minds up, don't forget the RSC can offer you some help and guidance. You could start here by browsing through some career profiles and looking at alternative options for careers with a chemistry qualification, or here on Careers TV where you'll find all sorts of helpful hints, tips and videos to help you with your search for the next opportunity.
Whatever you choose to do - well done and good luck from the RSC Careers Team.
Posted by Julie Franklin on Jul 17, 2013 1:06 PM BST