Demystifying Synthetic Organic Laboratory Techniques or 'Not Voodoo X.4'

For everything you ever need to know about synthetic organic chemistry practical advice and tips:

The site 'Not Voodoo X'  has just been updated and the Purification section expanded with Distillation techniques and further updates will be added. The latest is ‘Flash Column Chromatography’
Please note: Further updates are being made daily and it's best practice to use the original link to see what changes have been made and the above 'Not Voodoo X.4' link is only a beta testing version before it's final release.

Another useful US-based Organic, Analytical and General Chemistry learning resource is Chemistry LibreTexts

Of course, don't forget the RSC's own LearnChemistry website for excellent resources for learning and teaching.
The RSC interactive Periodic Table app can be accessed from

The latest Synthetic Organic Chemistry iPhone/iPad app to be added is the well-known Organic Syntheses



I wonder how many students have used, use, or wish to add useful mnemonics to remember topics in Chemistry, such as:

'OILRIG' in redox chemistry for Oxidation Is Loss, Reduction Is Gain of electrons.

'OMSGAPS' for the homologous dicarboxylic acids: Oxalic, Malonic, Succinic, Glutaric, Adipic, Pimelic, and Suberic acids.

'All Altruists Gladly Make Gum In Gallon Tanks' for the aldohexoses: Allose, Altrose, Glucose, Mannose, Gulose, Idose, Galactose, and Talose.

'Sober Physicists Don't Find Giraffes Hiding In Kitchens Like Mine' for spectroscopic and orbital notation: s, p, d, f, g, h, i

Of interest is Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain for the spectral colours red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Any more ?
I have also posted this to 'Talk Chemistry' where there are already some interesting comments, more please.
Posted by Robert Slinn on Feb 16, 2013 3:13 PM Europe/London

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