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    Group News

    The broad aim of the Analytical Methods Committee (AMC) is to participate in national and international efforts to establish a comprehensive framework for appropriate quality in chemical measurement, and to keep the analytical science community informed of developments.

    Great news! - from 2012 AMC Technical Briefs will be published in the RSC journal Analytical Methods.

    The Briefs will still be produced in the same way, that is, by the experts in the Subcommittees or ad hoc groups of the Analytical Methods Committee, which is the technical committee of the Analytical Division Council.

    The latest Briefs thus published are:

    No 50: Robust regression - an introduction (DOI 10.1039/c2ay9005j).
    No 51: Quality control of routine sampling in chemical analysis (DOI 10.1039/c2ay90022j);
    No 52: Bayesian statistics in action (DOI 10.1039/c2ay90023h);
    No 53: Dark uncertainty (DOI 10.1039/c2ay90034c).

    No 54: Checking the quality of contracted-out analysis (DOI 10.1039/c2ay90044k).

    No 55: Experimental design and optimisation (4): Plackett-Burman designs (DOI 10.1039/c3ay90020g).

    No 56: What causes most errors in chemical analysis? (DOI 10.1039/c3ay90035e).

    AMC Technical Briefs are still available for download gratis, from the AMC Webpages at , and also from the free zone of the Journal website.

    A complete list of AMC Technical Briefs can be found on the AMC webpages, for the download of back numbers and for reference to the cumulative index of topics.

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    RSC Divisions
    The Analytical Methods Committee (AMC) is the Committee of the Analytical Division Council that handles matters of technical importance to the members of the RSC Analytical Division and the analytical science community in general.


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