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What can Java Programming Do?

Java is a ubiquitous presence in the programming world. The fact that it's been around for decades, and the ease with which it works on practically any platform, makes Java one of the most versatile languages you can learn. The legacy of Java is long and will continue to be relevant for a long time to come, but what exactly is Java good at, and what programmers can benefit most from it?

What Java Can Do

In practical terms, Java can do just about anything. This object-oriented programming language has broad application over computers and cell phones but also has wide compatibility with TVs and a wide variety of household and commercial appliances. Despite its age, it's a popular choice for building a wide variety of apps.

And since so much software out there is already built on Java, an understanding of Java is going to continue to be a valuable asset for plenty of in-house developers to have for a long time. Most companies aren't willing to rip up and rewrite their codebase, and Java's remained constantly updated for two decades without any signs of slowing any time soon. When asking what Java can do, you really need to ask yourself how it works, and whether or not its logic makes sense to your style of thinking and the types of applications you want to build.

It's a Statically Typed Language

Java is statically typed. What that means is that the programmer needs to declare all of their variables before using them, along with their data type. On the downside, that means more written code. On the upside, it means better documentation for yourself and others, less time chasing down errors, and a more concrete logic to follow when working through more complex algorithms.

Static languages like Java can be a great choice for beginners because the nature of the language forces you to write out your work. A dynamically typed language might be a bit easier from the beginning, but it won't hammer in the full procedural logic of what you're doing as well as a language like Java.

It's Object-Oriented

Java is an object-oriented programming language, and that makes it an eminently modular solution. Since everything within Java is designed as a discrete object, tracing problems is easy, and so is expanding or transplanting features. Doubling down on that is the notion of inheritance, which allows you to add complexity to your objects without having to rewrite or dramatically alter existing objects. It's an elegant solution that's especially well-suited for the long term. If someone needs to call in another programmer or bring a new coder onboard for computer programming help, they can usually get up to speed quickly with Java.

The Final Word on Java

Despite the hand-wringing of some in the coding community, Java isn't going anywhere soon. It does so much well, and it continues to grow with each passing year without lagging behind and while maintaining great documentation and a helpful community of users.

Java has a moderate learning curve for beginners, but that curve also comes with an advantage - teaching you the fundamentals that other languages will just parse for you. Java allows you to take those training wheels off safely. And with its modular, object-oriented functionality, it's likely going to be a pragmatic choice for application design for a long time to come.

Posted by Emily Dawson on Oct 27, 2020 4:38 AM Europe/London

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