A chance to find out about the activities hosted by the different RSC Networks. From the 35 Local Sections and 75 Interest Groups to RSC Reps and International Sections, this blog should give you a taster of the 500 events organised each year by the various RSC Networks for both RSC members and the public. If you've recently held an RSC event and would like to contribute to the blog, email: networks@rsc.org.

RSC International Sections 2011 events round-up

The RSC has a number of networks, not all of them are focussed in the UK, we also have many abroad. We have International Co-operative Agreements (ICAs) with other professional institutions; these ICAs enable us to offer local support to our members and online services to chemists beyond the RSC. Through these agreements, our global network reaches over 350,000 scientists.
The RSC has 20 International Local Sections and more than 20 International RSC Representatives which means we are represented in over 40 countries globally. These Local Sections and Representatives hold conferences, lectures and events for local members.  Here is just a taster of some of the many activities carried out in 2011.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong the Section organised a Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad which reached 300 undergraduate students, a visit to a gas plant, scientific lectures reaching over 400 school children, as well as lectures and training for school teachers.


In Belgium there were over 12 events held during the International Year of Chemistry. They provided popular chemistry lectures for members and a wider public in Belgium and offered social events for members and raised the profile of chemistry within local schools.
There were two Café Chimique debates held in the Brussels Autoworld Museum, a Chemistry Challenge Competition which had over 75 entries from students and a workshop at the ‘’Greenlight for Girls’’ event held at the International School of Brussels. The latter workshop was held in three languages and allowed the students to take part in the Global Water Experiment.

With 5 local sections there is plenty to get involved with in India; here is a selection from Eastern, Deccan and Northern Sections:
A portfolio of lectures devised specifically for the International Year of Chemistry and Interschool essay competition by the Eastern India Section; 15 lectures ranging from Sustainable chemicals, polymers and fuels from natural molecules to Organizing Chromophores the DNA way as well as two workshops by the Northern India Section; the Deccan section organised a chemistry quiz for students at 22 rural schools, “Chemistry in Everyday Life” demonstration followed by lecture on Kitchen chemistry for women and children, an organised symposium on the ‘Role of Women in Chemistry’ as well as lectures and workshops for students and teachers.

In Pakistan the Section held a National Conference on “Role of Divine Religious for Environmental Improvement of Communities at National and International Level”, Seminar on “Women as Custodian of Environment and Health”, a Meeting on Advancing Chemical Sciences Through Collaborative Research Work, a Seminar on Review of Food and Environmental Concerns in Flood Affected Areas as well as participating in the 10th International and 22nd National Chemistry Conference
The Finnish Section organised a guest lecture on "Structure of cellulose in relation to its properties” followed by a traditional Finnish Sitsit party. The event was a great success and attracted a number of non-members. They also hosted a lecture about glucose and lipid metabolism in human skeletal muscle with the special emphasis on the effect of free fatty acid on insulin resistance and an AGM to introduce the committee and discuss possible events that could be organised for the forthcoming year. 

Sri Lanka
The Sri Lankan Section arranged a variety of events from collecting and donating resources such as book and computers, scholarships, chemistry training for both teachers and students, an interschool chemistry essay competition for almost 50 students, and an inter-university chemistry competition as well as the annual dinner and awards.
This is a fraction of the international events organised by our international sections and representatives. For 2012 you can expect more lectures, lunches, tours, symposia and conferences! If you would like to become involved, as an RSC representative or sit on a Local Section then we would love to come along and join us.
Posted by Andrea McGhee on Feb 15, 2012 10:42 AM Europe/London

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