Overwhelmed by the available chemistry resources? Looking for new chemistry teaching ideas? Elementary Articles is the place for chemistry, education, and everything else.

Elementary Articles is the official blog for the RSC's Learn Chemistry – your home for chemistry education resources and activities.

BETT Award Finalist!

Learn Chemistry is a finalist for the BETT 2013 Awards, in the category "ICT Tools for Learning and Teaching"!

It's a great achievement to be named a finalist for a BETT award. BETT is Europe's largest educational technology show, and possibly the second largest in the world.

The exhibition is attended by thousands of teachers, ICT supervisors, education authority figures and government ministers from dozens of countries, attracted by the UK's high, and deserved, reputation for excellence in education technology.

The ICT Tools for Learning and Teaching describes a huge amount of our development work with Learn Chemistry. We've designed the site to act as a hub for the tools and services teachers and students need to learn chemistry, with highlights such as:

Spectraschool (an interactive home for budding analytical chemists), Mechanism Inspector (a comprehensive exploration of organic mechanisms),  On This Day in Chemistry (a resource-a-day site that every chemistry teacher should bookmark), Chemistry in Sport (a resource and global experiment hub launched in time for London 2012), Gridlocks (dozens of interactives for challenging and testing chemistry students), Chemistry in Your Cupboard (an exploration of the chemistry of everday products),  and of course our fabulous Visual Elements Periodic Table.

We're incredibly proud of this achievement for a site not yet a year old, not least because we've just refined our official tagline for Learn Chemistry, and it pretty much matches the category in which we're a finalist:

Enhancing Learning and Teaching with the Royal Society of Chemistry.
If you're learning or teaching chemistry, at any level, our goal is to be the first place you come for tools, resources, training, activities, outreach - you name it. We've got a long way to go yet, but if the news from BETT is anything to go by, we're on the right track!
Posted by Duncan McMillan on Nov 19, 2012 12:30 PM Europe/London

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